Shockingly Normal

Orgasm. Love. Fuck. BDSM. Penis. Vagina. Gay. Straight. Bisexual.

“What’s the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word sex?”

Sounds like a pretty easy statement to answer, doesn’t it? Well that’s what I thought when I first came up with it. I wondered, if I can come up with seven words off the top of my head  (in about nine seconds mind you) that relate to sex, then how many words could my entire university come up with if we tried. But, much to my surprise, this question seems to hold a lot more weight to it than I originally thought. Some people, twenty year olds mind you, simply can’t discuss sex, or even say the word to begin with.

I’ve been sitting in the common area at my college for the past three or four hours and over that time period I have come to truly understand just how much a Sex Week: “The Other O-Week” is actually needed on campus. I mean, that was the purpose of this experiment to begin with; attempt to see how outdated the sex mentality here is. I guess I just didn’t think it would be as bad as I thought.

Some students simply giggled when I asked them the question. Some just wrote down sex, because they couldn’t think of another word, which was equally as interesting to me as the giggling. Others actually got inquisitive looks on their faces as they tried to think of words to say; these moments were exciting for me especially when their answers were quite creative. But what really got me concerned, was when I asked certain students the question, they actually looked scared. It was as if the idea of sex was traumatizing to them. One person even wrote “agony” as his response and when I heard that I wanted to cry for him, or at least send him the health center for an STD exam. But even worse that Mr. It Hurts When I Cum, were the runners. I am not kidding you when I say that some of these people actually ran away form our table.

Now, though I am perfectly comfortable talking about sex, as that was how I was raised (I mean my mom asked me if I wanted her to buy me a vibrator or dildo at age 14, in Chili’s, in front of other people), I know that some people are not as open about their sexuality as I am. Over my lifetime I have come to appreciate a diverse range of viewpoints on sex, including those who don’t feel comfortable talking about it, but fear is something I can’t support. Anyone who is scared or frightened by the idea of sex is justified in their thoughts, but I want to ask them why? I know that pain can be involved, especially for first timers.I also know that rape is a prevalent and terrifying thing that occurs around the world. But, what I don’t know is why some people can fear conversation that simply encroaches the subject of sex.

I see sex as one of the most natural parts of human and animal existence. It is how most people communicate their love for one another. It is also supposed to be an experience of extreme pleasure. And finally, sex is literally how we continue on the human species. Sorry to break it to you, but you (most likely) are here because some number of years ago your parents totally did it! Weird, I know, but they did. And eventually one day, if you haven’t already and you aren’t a nun/priest/asexual individual, you will do it too. People have literally been having sex for thousands of years, so why is it not okay to talk about it?

So, though I know asking someone, in broad daylight, about sex may seem shocking, when you really think about it, isn’t it the most normal to ask a person? I think it is. So get ready W&L, Sex Week here we come!

Double Standards

1) When a girl talks about sex she’s a whore or a “horndog”, but if a guy doesn’t talk about sex he’s weird (or gay).

2) If a girl knows what she wants and has a high power job she’s a bitch, but guys are just considered powerful and respected.

3) When a sixteen year old girl gets knocked up in high school she’s promiscuous, yet no one ever looks down at the boy, he just had sex.

4) Girls can’t dress promiscuously or show too much cleavage, but guys wear their pants down to their ankles.

5) A girl sleeps with 10 guys she’s a slut, but a guy sleeps with 15 girls and he gets a high five for it or a pat on the back for his triumph.

6) Mom’s that work outside the home are thought to be neglecting their children, but most fathers throughout time have left their kids during the day to go to work.

7) Women who marry for money are gold diggers, but you don’t hear about a lot of men who are frowned at for marrying rich women.

8) Women are expected to take on most of the responsibilities of the household even though most women work outside of the home now.

9) It’s the 21st century and women still make less money for doing the same job as men.

10) When women ask their spouse or boyfriend where they are or what they are doing they are clingy, but when a man does it he is just being protective.