Impossible Possibilities

If there is ever a day when my plans for the future come to a standstill, and I become lost in a sea of uncertainty, I’d like to think that there is something else out in the world for me to do; another path I could take in life.

Though I don’t like to think of the possibility that my dreams could, one day, never actually become reality, I understand that life is not made up of happily ever afters like fairy tales try to teach us. Sometimes the good guys don’t win. Sometimes evil prevails and dreams don’t come true. Life isn’t Disneyland after all. And when you wish upon a star doesn’t always work.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not some cynical, before her time, twenty-year-old; I’m simply practical. A hopeless romantic at heart, I still realize that sometimes life doesn’t work out the way you plan it to. Sometimes life gives you a swift kick in the ass and as soon as you rub away the pain it kicks you again, this time twice as hard.

So, to guard myself from the throws of the unpredictable future, I have been wracking my brain trying to come up with a plan for the future if my current expectations don’t work out. Based on my credentials, there is a list of things I could do, the only problem is, similar to my college application process, I don’t really have a safety. Every potential thing I could see myself doing is not easy and is not simple. Nope, my backup plan is equally, if not harder, to achieve than my main plan. Whoops.

Even though this fact is terrifying on some levels, evaluating my future plans, combined with a little help tonight from my roommate, has helped me learn something about myself. I’d rather keep my goals high then settle for anything less than my dreams.